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Gem of the Week: Labradorite

Gem of the Week: Labradorite

If you were around last year, you may remember our Rocktober event that we did. Each week we are going to be highlighting a gemstone that we love. This year, we are starting things out with the gem Labradorite. This stone is a little bit less known than some of the big names out there like sapphires,
emeralds, rubies, etc. so we thought this would be a fun change of pace!

Labradorite gets its name from where it was first discovered, Labrador, Canada in 1770. It is now found in several places including Norway, Finland, Australia, Madagascar, Russia and Mexico. According to Inuit legend, a warrior saw the Northern Lights trapped inside the rocks and struck them with his spear
to free some of the lights. The remainder was trapped inside forever, giving the unique iridescent look that labradorite is so well known for. The Inuits would call labradorite “fire stone” and would use it in powdered form to help cure ailments.

Labradorite is part of the feldspar gem family and is one of the most unique stones that you can find. It is known for its iridescent play of color and typically has a dark base color with metallic looking color plays of blue, green, yellow, and red. Clearly, this is very hard to describe, so you’ll just have to stop in
and see for yourself!

Labradorite is a bit of a softer stone, rated a 6-6.5 on the Mohs hardness scale. With this said, you do have to be a little more cautious when wearing it. The stone is rather common and easy to find, but
finding one with the flash of Labradorescence that is so desired in jewelry is quite rare. It is most commonly cut in the cabochon style, which you will learn all about in the next few weeks! Stay tuned!