Giving Back
We love this town and the people who call Boulder home.
That is why we love partnering with local charities and organizations to keep Boulder at its best. Cultivating personal relationships and giving back to our community have always been important and fundamental to the way we do business.
At Walters & Hogsett we are proud to give over $50,000 in support, annually, to Boulder County and Front Range organizations. Currently the majority of our donations fall into one of the five categories of support that best represent our passions and community commitment.

Our donations often include custom, Walters & Hogsett, product gift certificates to be used in store, or with coordinated donations from our designers.
If you are interested in contacting us for a donation or partnership, we’d love to hear from you. Please keep in mind, we try to create an annual plan, so the earlier the request the better. However, if you are not able to reach out that far in advance, please fill out the form below 90 days prior to the event and we will do our best! We are not able to fulfill every request but we love working with you and will review every application.
Please download the donation request form and submit to